Acquiring and Displaying Waveforms
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
3. To select a math waveform you have created or a reference waveform you
have stored, press MORE and select the waveform from the More menu.
Press WAVEFORM OFF while the MORE button is lit to remove the
display of the waveform selected in the More menu.
When you turn off a waveform, the oscilloscope automatically selects the next
highest priority waveform. Figure 3–4 shows the order of priority.
1. CH1
2. CH2
3. CH3
4. CH4
1. MATH1
2. MATH2
3. MATH3
4. REF1
5. REF2
6. REF3
7. REF4
Figure 3–4: Waveform Selection Priority
Note Figure 3–4 shows two orders of priority due to the following rules: If you
are turning off more than one waveform and you start by turning off a channel
waveform, all channels will be turned off before going to the MORE waveforms.
If you start by turning off the MORE waveforms, all the MORE waveforms will
be turned off before going to the channel waveforms.
If you turn off a channel that is a trigger source, it continues to be the trigger
source even though the waveform is not displayed.
To read about selecting reference waveforms, see Saving and Recalling
Waveforms on page 3–114.
To read about selecting (and creating) math waveforms, see Waveform Math on
page 3–142.
Scaling and Positioning Waveforms
The TDS Oscilloscope allows you to scale (change the vertical or horizontal
size) and position (move up, down, left, or right) waveforms on screen for best
display. (Figure 3–5 shows the results of both vertical and horizontal scaling and
positioning.) This subsection first tells you how to quickly check and set vertical
and horizontal scales, positions, and other parameters, such as vertical bandwidth
and horizontal record length.
To quickly see the position of the waveform in the display, check the Channel
Reference and the Record View icons. (See Figure 3–5.)
Waveform Priority
To Find More Information
To Check Position