WFM 601A, WFM 601E & WFM 601M User Manual
10 EYE. In 10-EYE mode, every tenth bit of the serial signal appears at a fixed
location on the display. Figure 3–19 shows the 10-EYE mode. Approximately
10 eyes are displayed per horizontal sweep, and the horizontal scale is 3 ns/div.
In the 10-Eye more, you can observe events that are correlated with the serial
word rate or horizontal line rate. In this mode, you can also observe systematic
errors that affect certain bits in the data word.
100 mV/DIV
3 nS/DIV
10 Hz
Figure 3–19: 10-EYE triggered display
To select the trigger mode, press the CONFIG button and use the bezel knob to
select the EYE PATTERN menu. Press the DISPLAY bezel button to select
OVERLAY or 10 EYE. The trigger mode is indicated by a readout in the upper
left corner of the CRT. The trigger modes are available with both EYE and EYE
EQ displays.
The calibrated vertical gain for the EYE and EQ EYE modes is 100 mV/div. You
can expand the vertical scale by selecting X5, X10, or Variable gain. The vertical
scale is displayed in the upper left corner of the CRT screen. Press the GAIN
button to access the X5, X10, and Variable Gain gain selections. When Variable
Gain is enabled, a “>” appears in front of the deflection factor to indicate the
uncalibrated condition.