Teledyne API Model 200A NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02246, Rev. G, DCN 5247
2.3 Initial Operation
1. Turn on the instrument power.
2. The display should immediately light, displaying the instrument type (M200A) and the
computer's memory configuration. If you are unfamiliar with the M200A, we recommend
that you read the overview Section 4 before proceeding. A diagram of the software menu
trees is in Table 5-5-1 and Table 5-5-2.
3. The M200A requires about 30 minutes for all internal com
ponents to come up to
temperature. During this time the ozone generator power is OFF until the membrane dryer
has time to purge itself, therefore there will be no response from the instrument, even if span
gas is coming in the sample port. During this time temperatures and other conditions are out
of specification. Because many warning conditions could be displayed warning conditions
are suppressed for 30 minutes after power up. After 30 minutes, warning messages will be
displayed until the respective warning conditions are within specifications. Use the CLR key
on the front panel to clear warning messages.
4. While waiting for instrument temperatures to come up, you can check for correct
operation by using some of the M200A's diagnostic and test features.
5. Examine the TEST functions by comparing the values listed in Table 2-2-6 to those in the
display. Rememb
er that as the instrument warms up the values may not have reached their
final values yet. If you would like to know more about the meaning and utility of each TEST
function, refer to Table 9-9-1. Also, now is a good time to verify that the instrument was
shipped with the options you ordered. Table 2-2-6 includes a list of options. Section 6 covers
setting up the options.
6. Electric Test and Optic Test both generate simulated signals in the M200A.
A. Electric Test tests the electronics of the PMT signal path. To operate Electric Test from
the front panel press SETUP-MORE-DIAG, then scroll to ELECTRICAL TEST and press
ENTR to turn on the electric test. When ELEC test is operating, scroll the TEST function
to PMT and compare instrument response to the values indicated in Table 2-2-6 . To turn
off this test press EXIT. For more information on the circuitry being tested refer to the
Troubleshooting Section
B. Optic Test is an "end to end" test of the analyzer HVPS/PMT/ electronics/computer. It
lates a signal by turning on a LED in the Sensor Module. To operate Optic Test from
the front panel press SETUP-MORE-DIAG, then scroll to OPTIC test and press ENTR to
turn on the optic test. Scroll the TEST function PMT and compare instrument response to
the values indicated in Table 2-2-6. To turn off this test press EXIT. To return to the
SAMPLE mode press EXIT until SAMPLE is displayed in the upper left display. For
more information about OT operation, see Section