GAIN: This button selects the Gain fader for adjustment. The Gain fader is highlighted and can
be adjusted in 0.5dB steps from +6 to -18dB. One step below the -18dB point mutes the selected
channel. To deselect the Gain fader press GAIN a second time.
The Gain control on the DN3600 scales the actual frequency bands. This achieves optimization
of signal to noise ratio from one simple control and avoids the disadvantages of conventional pre
EQ or post EQ gain controls.
NUMERIC WINDOW: Displays the number of the currently operating Memory and, in the
appropriate operating modes, the Slave address number or the MIDI channel number. A flashing
number indicates access by a remote control device, such as another DN3600.
METERS: Separate 10-segment bargraph level meters monitor the signal level in channels A
and B over the range -12dB to +15dB. The Clip warning LED monitors seven different points
within the circuitry of the DN3600 and flashes if the level at any point comes within 2dB of
POWER SWITCH: Switches the unit on and off. When the unit is off, there is a hard relay bypass
which connects the input signal directly to the output.
Rear Panel Functions
Balanced Input XLR Sockets
Balanced Output XLR Sockets
Pro MIDI XLR Connectors: These follow the same wiring convention as conventional MIDI
DIN sockets. These are used for performing system exclusive data transfer and for linking
multiple units in a master/slave configuration. See service section for wiring convention.
16-Pin IDC Interface: Interfaces directly with the DN60/DN6000 Real Time Spectrum Analyser
for automatic equalisation and may be used to interface with future products.
IEC Mains Socket with integral fuse.