Audio (Digital) Register
D7–D6 set the sidetone attenuation (00 = –6 dB, 01 = –9 dB, 10 = –12 dB,
11 = –15 dB). D5 sets sidetone enable (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled). D4 sets the
DAC select (0 = DAC off, 1 = DAC selected). D3 sets the bypass (0 = disabled,
1 = enabled). D2 sets the input for the ADC (0 = line, 1 = microphone). D1 sets
the microphone mute (0 = normal, 1 = muted). D0 sets the microphone boost
(0 = 0 db, 1 = 20 dB).
Clicking the Analog Control button opens an Analog Control panel (see
Figure 4–6) that allows setting all the analog audio parameters without
reference to their bit values. The Analog Control button in the analog audio
register box is functionally identical to the Analog Control button on the main
panel (see Section 4.4.15).
The Cancel button undoes any changes that have been made in register bit
values, so the register panel matches the current state of the EVM registers.
The Apply button sends the current bit values shown on the Analog Control
panel to the Audio (Analog) register section of the register panel. The OK
button performs the same function as the Apply button and simultaneously
closes the register panel.
Figure 4–6. Analog Control
4.6.8 Audio (Digital) Register
Address: 0000101
D3 sets the DAC soft mute (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled). D2–D1 set the
de-emphasis control (00 = disabled, 01 = 32 kHz, 10 = 44.1 kHz, 11 = 48 kHz).
D0 sets the ADC high-pass filter (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled).
Clicking the Digital Control button opens a Digital Control panel (see
Figure 4–7) that allows setting all the digital audio parameters without
reference to their bit values. The Digital Control button in the digital audio
register box is functionally identical to the Digital Control button on the main
panel (see Section 4.4.14).
The Cancel button undoes any changes that have been made in register bit
values, so the register panel matches the current state of the EVM registers.