Inx Value Description Inx Value Description
1 85 temp:aux
20 94 clock years
2 65 temp: inside
21 11 clock month
3 73 temp: outside
22 22 clock day of month
4 29.92 barometric pressure
23 2 clock day of week::Mon:
5 0 elevation
24 11 clock hours
6 0.750 MVP @ 0.0% HR
25 24 clock minutes
7 3.255 MVP @ 73.3% HR
26 54 clock seconds
8 8 wind dir. offset
27 0 log interval hrs
9 2 rain inc flag
28 30 log interval minutes
10 0.01 rain inc value
29 0 Scale: 0=FPS 1=CGS
11 0.00 rain fall: daily
30 0 ID number
12 0.00 rain fall: monthly
31 8 POR Counter
13 0.00 rain fall: term
32 0 RR Interval , sec
14 0 report interval HI
33 0 Wsp units : MPH
15 0 report interval LO
34 1 Time dispaly : AMPM
16 0 report Min/Max :Off
35 1 aux Temp
17 4 report end of day
36 1 Wsp/Wdir
18 0 report interval Units: M:S:
37 4 baud rate: 2400
19 0 report character: r
enter parameter index: ?
Note: This screen and its index numbers will vary depending on what options are installed.
Any item in this index can be changed by:
(1)entering the index number
(2)entering the new value
(3)entering Y to set the new value or N to reject the new value.
1) Aux temperature calibration
2) Inside temperature calibration
3) Outside temperature calibration
4) Barometric pressure calibration
5) Elevation correction ( not used)
6)1st humidity sensor calibration factor
7) 2nd humidity sensor calibration factor
8) Wind direction calibration, increase number to move clockwise or decrease number to move
9) Rain collector type (most rain collectors are type 2 including TWI, 0 turns of the rain collector
10) Rain increment value ( the value that is added for each click of the rain collector, most rain
collectors should be set for 0.01 including TWI)
11) Daily rainfall history register
12) Monthly rainfall history register
13) Term rainfall history register
14) Report output interval HI, sets the automatic data dump interval to the RS232. Value can be in
Texas Weather Instruments, Inc. WR-25 Instruction Manual