Getting Started
Chapter 1 25
Profiler application icon found
in your computer’s system tray.
3. Select the Profile Lyra MP3/Personal Jukebox Device
menu from the icon (the Lyra Jukebox profiler
application icon that’s in your PC’s system tray, at
the bottom right of your computer screen). The
Lyra MP3/Personal Jukebox Profiler Application
4. The application will profile and sort all supported
audio files so you can sort them and play them
properly. Press Done to dismiss the application
when profiling is finished.
5. Select the Update Lyra MP3/Personal Jukebox
System files menu item to update all system files
and help files.
Caution: Don’t unplug the USB cable until all
data are transferred to the Thomson Lyra
If you’re running Windows 2000, XP, or Me,
you must stop the device before unplugging
it. Click the icon (the Unplug or Eject
hardware icon) from the system tray and
select the USB Mass Storage device for the
drive letter associated with the Thomson Lyra
Jukebox, and click STOP. See the Windows
Help for details about the Unplug or Eject
Hardware topic.
Launch the MusicMatch software
The MusicMatch software converts audio files to the MP3 format so you can play them on
your Thomson Lyra Jukebox. This section describes some basic MusicMatch features and
explains how to convert music to the MP3 format. For more information about MusicMatch,
see the tutorial or go to www.musicmatch.com.
1. Remove the Music Management CD from your
2. Start the MusicMatch Jukebox software (click on
the MusicMatch icon in your system tray or on your
Tip: Multiple Devices
If more than one Thomson Lyra
Jukebox device is connected to
the system, a submenu appears
listing the drive letters of the
Thomson Lyra Jukebox devices.
Select the desired drive letter to
Profile and Update.
The MusicMatch icon found in
your computer’s system tray.
Note: As with any device
that has a hard drive, you
must back up the drive.
Thomson multimedia is not
responsible for lost data.
continued on next page