Rev. B
Workman MD/MDX Page 6 -- 27 Electrical System
NOTE: A troubleshooting guide for the Advanced Mo-
tors and Drive starter/generator is included at the end of
this chapter. Refer to this guide when diagnosing a
starter/generator problem on vehicles equipped with an
Advanced Motors and Drive starter/generator.
Brush and Brush Spring Service
1. Gain access to brushes by carefully removing rubber
plugs from commutator end head of starter/generator.
For assembly purposes, note location of the p lug that in-
cludes a weep hole.
Figure 32
2. Check the length of the brush that extends from the
top of the brush box. If the brush is less than 0.140” (3.5
mm) from the top of the brush box, brush replacement
is necessary.
Figure 33
3. Useamarkertomakeadiagonal line across the
frame housing and end heads for assembly purposes.
Position the starter/generator on the commutator end
head and support the assembly to prevent damage to
the terminals in the end head. Remove the two (2)
screws that secure the drive end head to the frame
Figure 34