
advanced operation
Common Interface Menu
Common Interface Menu is entered from the Main Menu when the Common
Interface button is selected by the user. Just after the selection, a new menu
appears on the TV including the names of the common interface modules
inserted to the slots. If there is no module inserted into the slots, common
interface button on the main menu is disabled by the system. The Media-
Guard names are selected for demostration so you may see different names
on this Common Interface menu. Our IDTV has two slots for insertion of
modules, however you can see up to two names of modules in this menu
Figure 1. Common Interface Menu with
modules inserted into the slots.
Figure 2. Common Interface without any
module inserted.
The user can choose one of the buttons to enter that module's menu. The
buttons and the information seen on the screen come from the common in-
terface module and the user can navigate among the buttons by using the
/  keys of the remote control device.
50052932-1552UK (TOSHIBA UK)17 INCH TFT-IDTV-WO WM-dilek p65 11 05 2004 15:2937