• If the request was a write, and the write was performed successfully, this will
be indicated to the master by Resp1:Resp0 changing from 0:0 to 1:0. The
parameter number response will equal the accessed parameter number, and
the data written to the drive will be reflected in the data / error code response
• If an error occurred during the read or write request, this will be indicated to
the master by Resp1:Resp0 changing from 0:0 to 1:1. The parameter
number response will equal the parameter number that the master was
attempting to access, and an error code reflecting the failure cause will be
placed in the data / error code response word. For a list of possible error
codes, refer to section 10.4.
6. In order to perform another parameter read or write, the master must once again
send a “no action” code (Req1=0 and Req0=0), and the PBDP-110 must once
again respond with an idle state acknowledge (Resp1=0 and Resp0=0) before the
next read or write action can take place. Until a “no action” code is sent to the
PBDP-110, the interface will ignore all data in the action bits, parameter number
and parameter write data words. Also, as long as the master sends the “no
action” code, the PBDP-110 will loop-back in the parameter number response
word and parameter data / error code response word whatever data is sent to it in
the corresponding output words.
The above procedure explanation holds true for both drives A and B, using the
respective request and response locations in the output and input data structures.
10.4 Register Access Error Codes
When a parameter read or write error occurs, one of the following error codes will be
returned in the parameter data response word:
Error Code
0x0000................ cannot execute
0x0001................ data error (written data value outside of valid range)
0x0002................ invalid parameter number
0x0064................ attempt to write to a read-only parameter
0x0065................ attempt to read from a write-only parameter
0x0066................ other / unclassified error