TOSLINE-S20 Active Star Coupler (ASC25) Instruction Manual 6F3B0360
1. Introduction
The brochure is an instruction manual for Active Star Coupler (ASC25) which is a
modified version of general use Active Star Coupler (ASC22). The Active Star Coupler (ASC25)
is specially designed to connect TOSLINE-S20 data communication network with a station
provided with F07 Type Optical Connector, such as TOSVERT-µ/S250W/W Drive Station.
Instruciton manuals for other TOSLINE-S20 components are listed below. System
designers, device designers, and maintenance personnel using a TOSLINE-S20 network should
refer to these manuals for information about how these components can be used in a TOSLINE-
S20 network.
• T2/T3 stations 6F3B0354
• SIF (Serial Interface) station 6F3B0352
• VME Bus station 6F3B0353
• Loader software S-LS 6F3B0351
• PLC-5 station 6F3B0355
• Loader software S-LS (for windows) 6F3B0357