6 F 3 B 0 3 6 2
• Event trace item: See table 7.7
Table 7.7 Event Trace Items
Detail information 1 (H) Detail information 2 (H) Detail information 3 (H) Detail information 4 (H) Content
0001H ROM error (0160)
RAM error (0260)
DPRAM error (0360)
Initialization error
0002H Program address Error code NMI (0000)
TRAP (0001)
Watchdog timer check
Watchdog timer check
Read port contents
Watchdog timer flag
Watchdog timer flag
NMI occurrence factor
0004H Power on (0001) Start type
Reset switch (0002)
Software reset (0003) Request code Station status Write port contents
0005H Initialization (0000) Mode prior to change Mode after change
Mode change
Control request (0001) Mode prior to change Mode after change
(station status)
0007H Task ID Memory pool number Error code Instruction storage
buffer allocation error
0008H Task ID Station status Transmission prohibit
0009H Receive response code T2N driver reception or
response code error
0100H CMD number (0011) Error code Station status Write port contents T2N-Ethernet Port
CMD number (0012) UDP port (0001) UDP port number
completion error
Station status (0002) Station status
CMD number (0013) Mode prior to change Mode after change
Task start number Task completion status
MAC setting flag IP setting flag
0200H Task ID Error code socket (0001) Message transmission
bind (0002)
completion error
sendto (0003)
length (0004) Length
recvfrom (0005)
0300H Task ID Request code Error code Socket transmission
completion error