Table 3.4.19 Information Returned for the Microcontroller Information Command
Microcontroller Information ASCII Code
TMP92CZ26A 54H, 4DH, 50H, 39H, 32H, 43H, 5AH, 32H, 36H,20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H, 20H
Table 3.4.20 Information Returned for the User Program Transfer Result Command
Transfer Result Value Error Conditions
No error 00H
User program not received 02H The user program transfer result is received without the user program
transfer start command being received first.
Received file not in Intel Hex format 04H The first data of a user program is not “:” (3AH).
User program size error 06H The size of a received user program is larger than the value set in
wIndex of the user program transfer start command.
Download address error 08H The specified user program download address is not in the designated
The user program size is over 10 Kbytes.
Protocol error or other error 0AH The user program transfer start or user program transfer result
command is received first.
A checksum error is detected in the Intel Hex file.
A record type error is detected in the Intel Hex file.
The length of an address record in the Intel Hex file is 3 or longer.
The length of an end record in the Intel Hex file is other than 0.