Figure 5: "Help" Command Via Telnet
“Echo ON” (default setting) will echo typed characters back to the user.
“Echo OFF” will disable the echoing of typed characters.
The “Set” command actually encompasses several subcommands, each of
which allows setting a different configuration parameter. To set a parameter, two
arguments are required: the parameter’s name and the value to set it to. Figure 6
shows an example of changing the IP address of a device to After this
command is entered, the device will then reconfigure itself to allow network access
via the IP address
Figure 6: "Set" Command Overview and Implementation
This command displays current configuration information. Some of this
information (IP Address, Netmask and Gateway) is configurable via the “set”
command. The “I/O Parameter” field lists the current console’s primary
communication parameter (port number 23 for the Telnet console and baud rate
38400 for the serial console). The “Firmware Ver” field indicates the current
application firmware version of the ETH-100. Refer to Figure 7.