Manual Output Test
You can use the Test button on the controller either during installation to verify proper end device
operation or during troubleshooting. When you press the Test button, the controller exercises all
outputs in a predefined sequence. The first and last outputs of the sequence reset the controller
diagnostics. See p. 73 for more information about the manual output test.
Cycling Power
When someone turns off the controller’s 24 VAC power, then re-applies power, the unit cycles
through a power up sequence. By default, the controller attempts to reset all diagnostics at power
up. Diagnostics present at power-up and those that occur after power-up are handled according to
the defined unit diagnostics sequences (see Table 41, p. 77 and Table 42, p. 77).
Building Automation System (Tracer ZN510 or ZN520 Only)
Some building automation systems can reset diagnostics in the Tracer™ ZN510 or ZN520
controller. For more complete information, refer to the product literature for the building
automation system.
Rover Service Tool
Rover™ service tool can reset diagnostics in the Tracer™ ZN520 controller. For more complete
information, refer to the Rover Installation, Operation, and Programming manual.
Diagnostic Reset (Tracer ZN510 or ZN520 Only)
Any device that can communicate the network variable nviRequest (enumeration “clear_alarm”)
can reset diagnostics in the Tracer™ ZN510 or ZN520 controller. The controller also attempts to
reset diagnostics whenever power is cycled.
Cycling the Fan Switch (Tracer ZN520 Only)
If the user cycles the fan speed switch from off to any speed, the controller resets all diagnostics.
Diagnostics may recur immediately if the problem still exists.
The green LED normally indicates whether or not the controller is powered on (24 VAC).
Trane’s Service Tool, Rover
Rover™, Trane’s service tool, can reset diagnostics present in the controller. For complete
information about Rover, refer to Trane publication EMTX-IOP-2 Rover Installation, Operation and
Programming Guide.
Alarm Reset
Any device that can communicate alarm reset information can reset diagnostics present in the