Frequently asked questions
CNT-APG002-EN 53
What’s the best sampling frequency?
The best sampling frequency depends on the application. See “Calculat-
ing the sampling frequency” on page 14 for recommended sampling fre-
quencies. You may need to adjust the sampling frequency (usually to slow
it down). If the measured variable is oscillating around setpoint, the sam-
pling frequency may be too fast or the gains may be too big.
Do I need to worry about the throttling range?
You probably do not need to worry about the throttling range. The throt-
tling range cannot be programmed as a PID setting. Instead, it is used to
help calculate the gains. The throttling range is the amount of error it
takes to move the output of a system from its minimum to its maximum
setting. Most PID applications have recommended gain settings, but if
these gains do not fit your application, an understanding of throttling
range can help you find more appropriate gain settings. See “Throttling
range” on page 9 and “Calculating the gains” on page 11 for more