Communication-link wiring and addressing
Communication-link wiring and
The Tracer ZN521 zone controller communicates with the BAS and with
other LonTalk controllers by means of a LonTalk communication link.
For important instructions on network wiring, refer to the Tr a c er Sum -
mit Hardware and Software Installation guide (BMTX-SVN01A-EN).
Wiring for the communication link must meet the following require-
• All wiring must comply with the National Electrical Code and local
• 22 AWG Level 4 unshielded communications wire recommended for
most Comm5 installations.
• Termination resistors are required for wiring LonTalk devices com-
municating on a network. For specific information about using termi-
nation resistors for LonTalk applications, refer to the Tracer Summit
Hardware and Software Installation guide (BMTX-SVN01A-EN).
Each Tracer ZN521 zone controller has a unique 12-character alphanu-
meric device address for communicating on a BAS network. This address,
referred to as a Neuron ID, is assigned in the factory before the product is
shipped and cannot be changed. Each controller can be identified by view-
ing its unique Neuron ID, which is on a printed label attached to the cir-
cuit board of the controller. Additional adhesive-backed, peel-off Neuron
ID labels are tethered to the controller for placing on mechanical prints or
unit location worksheets. The Neuron ID will appear when communica-
tion is established with the Rover service tool or a BAS. An example Neu-
ron ID is 00-01-64-1C-2B-00.