
Appendix $
The PcOS Series 80PLUS Printer requires a 25-pin male D-shell connector at
the printer. To connect the printer to most personal computers, use TransActs’
part number 253-9800007, 25-pin male to 25-pin male parallel interconnect
Pin(s) Signal Description Direction
1 STROBE Clock data to printer Host to Printer
2-9 D0 - D7 Data Host to Printer
10 ACK\ Printer accepted data Printer to Host
11 BUSY Printer busy Printer to Host
12 PE Paper out/status Printer to Host
13 SLCT Printer selected Printer to Host
14 AUTOFD Autofeed paper Host to Printer
15 ERR\ Printer error Printer to Host
16 INIT\ Initialize the printer Host to Printer
17 SLIN Select printer Host to Printer
18-25 GND Ground