
© Copyright 2012 TRENDnet. All Rights Reserved.
TRENDnet User’s Guide
WEPChoose Open System or Shared Key.
Note: It is recommended to use Open System because it is known to be more secure
than Shared Key.
ModeChoose HEX or ASCII.
Note: It is recommended to use ASCII because of the much larger character set that
can be used to create the key.
WEP Key Choose the key length 64-bit or 128-bit.
Note: It is recommended to use 128-bit because it is more secure to use a key that
consists of more characters.
Key 1-4
o This is where you enter the password or key needed for a computer to connect to
the router wirelessly
o You can define up to 4 passwords or 4 keys. Only one key can be active at a given
time. Most users simply define one key.
o Choose a key index 1, 2, 3, or 4 and enter the key.
o When connecting to the router, the client must match both the password and the
Key number. (e.g. if you have activated Key 2 with a password of 12345, then the
client must select: Key 2 (entering Key 1, 3, or 4 will block the ability to connect)
and enter password 12345)
Selecting WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, or WPA2-PSK Mixed (WPA2-PSK recommended):
The following section outlines options when selecting PSK (Preshared Key Protocol),
o Select a Cipher Type. When selecting WPA-PSK security, it is recommended to
use TKIP.
o When selecting WPA2-PSK Mixed security, it is recommended to use AES.
o When selecting WPA2-PSK security, it is recommended to use AES.
Create your Wireless security Pres-Shared Key (password or key):
Passphrase Enter the passphrase.
o This is the password or key that is used to connect your computer to this router
Confirmed Passphrase Re-enter the passphrase.
Note: 8-63 alphanumeric characters (a,b,C,?,*, /,1,2, etc.)
Selecting WPA, WPA2, or WPA2Mixed:
The following section outlines options when selecting EAP (Extensive Authentication
Protocol), EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) is also called Remote Authentication
Dial-In User Service or RADIUS.
WEP Key Format
Character set 0-9 & A-F, a-f only Alphanumeric (a,b,C,?,*, /,1,2, etc.)
64-bit key length 10 characters 5 characters
128-bit key length 26 characters 13 characters