OSD Operation (continued)
User Management (continued)
At this point you can do any of the following:
• AssignthenewusertoagroupbyselectingtheGroups tab in the
user’s notebook. (See Assigning Users to a Group from the User’s
Notebook section under User Management for details.)
• AssignportaccessrightsforauserbyselectingtheDevices tab.
(See Device Assignment section under User Management in OSD
Operation for details.)
• Addmoreusersand/orcreategroupsandnishconguringthe
user account later.
Modifying User Accounts
To modify a user account, do the following:
1. Select the desired user’s name from the User List or the Main Panel and click Modify.
2. The same as when creating an account, make any necessary changes to the user account and click Save.
Deleting User Accounts
To delete a user account, do the following:
1. Select the desired user’s name from the Main Panel and click Delete.
2. A confirmation dialog box will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete the selected user account. Click OK.
Groups give Administrators and Super Administrators a convenient way to efficiently manage users and devices. Since device access rights
apply to anyone who is a member of the group, administrators need only set them once for the group, instead of having to set them for each user
individually. Multiple groups can be defined to allow some users access to specific devices, while restricting other users from accessing them.
Groups – Creating Groups
To create a group, do the following:
1. H igh l ig ht Groups in the Groups List on the left side of the screen.
Note: When accessing the OSD via web browser, you will need to
click the Groups sub-section tab first.
2. Click Add at the bottom of the main panel. The Group notebook
opens, with the Group tab selected: