What is Scanning?
Unlike standard AM or FM radio stations, most two-way
communications (listed on the page 5) do not transmit continuously.
The BCT7 scans
channels at the rate of nearly 100
channels per second until it finds an active frequency.
Scanning stops on an active frequency, and remains on that channel
as long as the transmission continues. When the transmission ends,
the scanning cycle resumes until another transmission is received.
While the BCT7 scans channels, it is in Scan mode. When you stop
scanning with H, it is in Manual mode.
What is Searching?
The BCT7 can search 12 bands to find active frequencies. This gives
you the opportunity to find new frequencies that have not been
While the BCT7 searches for active frequencies, it is in Search
mode. When you stop the search with H, it is in Search Hold mode.
Where to Get More Information
Because your BCT7 is fully pre-programmed, you do not need to
enter frequencies into the radio. However, should you desire to enter
specific frequencies which have not been factory pre-programmed, the
BCT7 provides this capability.
For publications which list frequencies around the United States, call
the enclosed Mr. Scanner 800 number.
The Bearcat Radio Club and other similar hobby clubs have
publications, information on computer bulletin boards, and even
contests for the radio enthusiast. Also, your local library has more