Vega U2020 Application Guide
In most cases, remote antennas are preferable when U2020 systems are rack mounted. Vega offers several appropriate
UHF antennas, including the AN-722, AN-723 and AN-725. The whip antennas supplied with the receivers can also
be used remotely, PROVIDED that an appropriate ground plane is provided. See the illustration below. Consult the
Vega factory for recommendations for other suitable ground plane configurations.
R-2020 Antenna
(straight configuration)
Lockwasher and nut
for UG-492
16 by 16” (40 x 40 cm)
metal plate
feed thru
Plate may be painted
except for the area
beneath the UG-492 flange,
lockwasher and nut
Simply connecting a whip antenna to the end of a coaxial cable results in an extremely inefficient antenna which will
almost always greatly reduce the usable range of the wireless systems. Do not use this arrangement.
Using Remote Antennas
Vega's AN-700 series antennas are provided with 10 to 15 foot (3 to 4.5 M) RF cables. In situations where longer
cables are necessary, extension cables can be used. However, there are a considerable number of technical
considerations involved, particularly when cable lengths over about 30 feet (10 M) are needed. Discussion of all of
the various issues involved in this situation are well beyond the scope to this guide. Consult the Vega factory for
additional information. A wireless applications guide, which includes an extensive discussion regarding antennas and
antenna cables, is available from Vega. Users of Vega wireless systems can obtain a copy of this document by
contacting Technical Support at the Vega factory.