Priority Call
Priority Call enables you to program up to 12 numbers—from within your
regional calling area—to be identified with a special ring pattern (short-long-
short). Use Priority Call to help you know when an important call comes in so
you can give superior service to your high-priority callers. This feature is not
available in the DMS 10 switch type.
To turn Priority Call on or off:
Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.
Press .
Listen to the voice recording for instructions on how to turn Priority Call on or
off, and how to change or review your Priority Call list.
To update your Priority Call list:
Press and follow the voice-recorded instructions. If your list is full,
you must erase one number before you can add another.
1.) The Priority Call special ring will not follow a Call Forwarding or Select Call
Forwarding call.
2.) This feature must be applied to all members of a Hunt group.
3.) The Priority Call special ring will not hunt.
4.) This feature will not work on a Hunt group’s pilot number.
Select Call Forwarding
Select Call Forwarding lets you program up to 12 numbers—from within your
regional calling area—that you wish to have call forwarded. When a number on
your Select Call Forwarding list calls you, it will be forwarded to the number
you have programmed to receive the call. Calls from all other numbers will be
handled in the normal manner. You can program calls to forward to virtually
any number—local or long distance—and Select Call Forwarding allows
you to change your forward-to number whenever necessary. Use Select Call
Forwarding to remain accessible and give top priority to your most important
callers. This feature may generate local, regional toll or long distance charges.
This feature is not available in the DMS 10 switch type.
To turn Select Call Forwarding on or off:
Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.
Press .
Listen to the voice recording for instructions on how to turn your Select Call
Forwarding service on and off and how to change or review your Select Call
Forwarding list.
To update your Select Call Forwarding list:
Press and follow the voice-recorded instructions. If your list is full,
you must delete one number before you can add another.
1.) When Select Call Forwarding is on and a call forwards:
- Calls from numbers on your Select Call Forwarding list cannot be answered at
the forward-from number, however, they will generate one short ring to remind
you that the call is being forwarded. The forward-to number will ring normally.
- All calls from numbers not on your Select Call Forwarding list will ring
normally and can be answered.
- If you also have Call Forwarding and it is turned on, all calls from phone
numbers not on your Select Forwarding list will forward to the number you
have chosen as the Call Forwarding Select destination.
2.) Blocked calls will not forward.
3.) This feature must be applied to all members of a Hunt group.
4.) Select Call Forwarding overrides all other Call Forwarding arrangements.