
Operating Manual
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.
[CLAR/VFO-B] knob will allow selection the memory channel.
3. Memory channels “US1” through “US5” are pre-programmed, at the factory, with
the permitted frequencies in the 5 MHz band, and the USB mode is automatically
selected on these channels.
4. To exit from 60-meter operation and return to the VFO mode, just press the [V/M]
Note: The frequencies and operating mode for 5 MHz band operation are fixed, and
may not be changed.
CLAR (Clarifier) Operation (VFO-A)
The [TX CLAR], [RX CLAR], [CLEAR] buttons and [CLAR/VFO-B] knob are used to
offset either the receive, transmit, or both frequencies from their settings on the VFO-A
frequency (the Clarifier does not affect the VFO-B, however). The four small numbers
on the Multi-Display Window show the current Clarifier offset. The Clarifier controls
on the FT-950 are designed to allow you to preset an offset (up to
±9.990 kHz) without
actually retuning, and then to activate it via the Clarifier’s [RX CLAR] and [TX CLAR]
buttons. This feature is ideal for following a drifting station, or for setting small
frequency offsets sometimes utilized in DX “Split” work.
Here is the technique for utilizing the Clarifier:
1. Press the [RX CLAR] button. In the Multi-Display Window, the “RX” notation will
appear, and the programmed offset will be applied to the receive frequency.
2. Rotation of the [CLAR/VFO-B] knob will allow you to modify your initial offset on
the fly. Offsets of up to ±9.990 kHz may be set using the Clarifier.
To cancel Clarifier operation, press the [RX CLAR] button. The “RX” notation will
disappear from the display.
Advice: Turning the Clarifier off simply cancels the application of the programmed
offset from the receive and/or transmit frequencies. To clear out the programmed
Clarifier offset altogether, and reset it to “zero,” press the [CLEAR] button. The
programmed offset is displayed in the small multi-channel window of the frequency
Without changing the receive frequency, you may alternatively apply the Clarifier
offset to the transmit frequency (typically, for “split” DX pile-ups). See page ?? for