To scan manually:
1. On the Scan Manager, select a configuration for the scan.
For example, select Color/Custom to scan a color item with the
preset Custom scan settings.
That configuration’s settings appear as a list. Click the “+” sign to
see the full list of scan settings. Click the “-” (minus) sign to
collapse the list.
To see the settings for another configuration, click its configuration
icon. For example, to see the grey scale settings, click the icon next
to the Grey Scale configuration.
2. Click the Preview button to preview the scanned image before
scanning it.
The scanner scans the item and displays a preview using the options
you selected.
3. Review the image to make sure it’s what you want.
4. To adjust one of the settings for the scan, click it in the list of
A panel appears on the right side of the Scan Manager for that
setting. Select new options for the setting on that panel. See
“Adjusting the Settings on the Scan Manager” on page 35 for more
about changing the scan settings.
5. (optional) To preview the image again, click the Preview button.
6. Readjust the settings if necessary.
7. When you’re satisfied with the image settings, click the Scan
When the scan is complete, the scanner displays the final image as a
thumbnail on the PaperPort Desktop. If the item is scanned as a
bitmap image, a small bitmap icon appears in the lower left corner
of the thumbnail.