Table A-9. Storage Adapter Panel Interactive Commands
Command Description
Toggles whether storage adapter statistics are displayed expanded or unexpanded. Allows viewing
storage resource utilization statistics broken down by individual channels belonging to an expanded
storage adapter. You are prompted for the adapter name.
Toggles whether storage adapter statistics are displayed expanded or unexpanded. Allows viewing
storage resource utilization statistics broken down by paths belonging to an expanded storage adapter.
Does not roll up to adapter statistics. You are prompted for the adapter name.
Toggles whether storage channel statistics are displayed expanded or unexpanded. Allows viewing
storage resource utilization statistics broken down by individual targets belonging to an expanded
storage channel. You are prompted for the adapter name and the channel ID. The channel adapter needs
to be expanded before the channel itself can be expanded.
Toggles whether storage target statistics are displayed in expanded or unexpanded mode. Allows
viewing storage resource utilization statistics broken down by individual paths belonging to an
expanded storage target. You are prompted for the adapter name, the channel ID, and the target ID. The
target channel and adapter must be expanded before the target itself can be expanded.
Sorts by READS/s column.
Sorts by WRITES/s column.
Sorts by MBREAD/s read column.
Sorts by MBWRTN/s written column.
Sorts first by ADAPTR column, then by CID column within each ADAPTR, then by TID column within
each CID, then by LID column within each TID, and finally by WID column within each LID. This is the
default sort order.
Storage Device Panel
The storage device panel displays server-wide storage utilization statistics.
By default, the information is grouped per storage device. You can also group the statistics per path, per world,
or per partition.
Table A-10. Storage Device Panel Statistics
Column Description
DEVICE Name of the storage device.
PATH Path name. This name is visible only if the corresponding device is expanded to paths. See the interactive
command p below.
WORLD World ID. This ID is visible only if the corresponding device is expanded to worlds. See the interactive
command e below. The world statistics are per world per device.
PARTITION Partition ID. This ID is visible only if the corresponding device is expanded to partitions. See interactive
command t below.
NPH Number of paths.
NWD Number of worlds.
NPN Number of partitions.
SHARES Number of shares. This statistic is applicable only to worlds.
BLKSZ Block size in bytes.
NUMBLKS Number of blocks of the device.
DQLEN Storage device queue depth. This is the maximum number of ESX/ESXi VMkernel active commands that
the device is configured to support.
Appendix A Performance Monitoring Utilities: resxtop and esxtop
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