Source – Volvo AB, Göteborg, Sweden page 19(35)
Reprint 2001 Karl Eric Målberg
should be done immediately after the car has been run while the oil is still warm. The
rear axle should then be carefully rinsed out with flushing oil before new oil is added.
After this the oil level only needs checking and topping up carried out if necessary.
Oils grade Viscosity Oil capacity
Hypoid oil SAE 80 (all year round) 1.3 litres
7 Steering box
The oil level in the rear axle should be checked after every 3,000 miles, (5,000 km).
The oil level should be up to the filler plug.
If necessary, top up with new oil of the same grade and viscosity at the already used.
The oil in the steering box usually only needs changing when reconditioning of the
unit is being carried out. Should the oil however, be changed for some reason, the
old oil should be sucked out, by inserting suitable device through the filler hole.
Oils grade Viscosity Oil capacity
Hypoid oil SAE 80 (all year round) 0.2 litres
8 Brake fluid
9 Clutch fluid
The fluid level in the brake and clutch
control hydraulic system should be
checked after every 3,000 miles, (5,000
km). The fluid should be up to a point
about ¾” (15-20mm) below the upper
edge of the containers.
Use only brake fluid satisfying the
conditions laid down in SAE 70 R3
10 Clean the oil filler cap
The oil filler cap is fitted with a filter to
evacuate water vapour and the gases
that leak past the piston rings. If this filter
should be blocked by dust from the air
being sucked in, there will be excess of
pressure in the crankcase and this can
result in oil leakage. For this reason, this
filter should be cleaned after every 6,000
miles (10,000 km). In case of very dusty
roads, cleaning should be carried out
more often.
Loosen the three screws round the cap
and then take off the upper part. Remove
the filter and clean the whole assembly
thoroughly in clean gasoline.
11 Change the oil cleaner
The engine is fitted with a full flow type oil cleaner, this meaning that all the oil
passes through the cleaner on the way from the oil pump to the various lubrication
points. Impurities in the oil thus collect in the cleaner and gradually block it. For this