
1993 Volvo 960
Engine 5.9 US qts. *
at oil change 5.75 liters
Engine, 5.5 US qts. *
excl. oil filter 5.15 liters
Automatic transmission 7.9 US qts.
7.5 liters
Rear axle Wagon:
1.8 US qts.
1.7 liters
1.4 US qts.
1.3 liters
Power steering gear 0.8 US qts.
0.8 liter
* if oil cooler is drained, add 0.47 US qts (0.4 liter)
pg. 9:8 Service manuals, Road assistance
Service Manuals for your Volvo are available for purchase. These are the same manuals used by
competent Volvo technicians.
Major sections within the Service Manual System include: 0-General Information; 1- Lubrication and
Service; 2- Engine; 3- Electrical System; 4- Power Transmission; 5-Brakes; 6- Suspension and Steering;
7- Springs Shock Absorbers and Wheels; 8- Body and Interior.
A Literature Catalog Request Card was placed in the car prior to delivery from the retailer to you.
Complete ordering information is provided
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
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