
06 Starting and driving
Parking assistance (option)
Parking assistance front and rear.
Parking assistance is used as an aid to park-
ing. A signal indicates the distance to a de-
tected object.
The system is activated automatically when
the car is started and the text message
Assist active, Exit to deactivate
is shown on
the audio system display.
Parking assistance is active at speeds below
15 km/h. The system is deactivated at higher
speeds. When the speed is below 10 km/h
the system is reactivated.
The frequency of the signal increases as you
come closer to an object in front of or behind
the car. If the volume of another audio source
from the audio system is high, then this is au-
tomatically lowered.
The tone becomes constant at a distance of
about 30 cm. If there are objects within this
distance both behind and in front of the car,
the signal alternates between left and right-
hand speakers.
Rear parking assistance
The distance covered to the rear of the car is
about 1.5 m. Rear parking assistance is acti-
vated when reverse gear is engaged. If the
system is switched off, the audio system dis-
play shows the text
Park Assist deactivated
Enter to activate
as soon as reverse gear is
engaged. The signal comes from the rear
The system must be deactivated when re-
versing with a trailer, or bike carrier on the
towbar or similar. Otherwise the trailer or bike
carrier would trigger the sensors.
Rear parking assistance is deactivated auto-
matically when towing a trailer if a Volvo gen-
uine trailer cable is used.
Front parking assistance
The distance covered to the front of the car is
about 0.8 metres. The signal comes from the
front loudspeakers.
Front parking assistance cannot be com-
bined with auxiliary lamps because the sen-
sors are affected by the auxiliary lamps.
Fault indicator
If the information symbol illumi-
nates with constant glow and
is shown on the informa-
tion display then parking assistance is disen-
Depending on the market, the Parking assist-
ance system may be either standard, an op-
tion or an accessory.
Parking assistance does not relinquish the
driver’s own responsibility during parking.
The sensors have blind spots where objects
cannot be detected. Be aware of children or
animals near the car
Some sources may deceive the system with
false signals. Examples of such sources in-
clude horns, wet tyres on asphalt, pneumat-
ic brakes and motorcycle exhaust pipes
etc. Ice and snow covering the sensors may
also cause false warning signals.