– 19 –
Main Burner Adjustment
Orifices (1 per burner) are located in the front of each burner venturi, behind a removable front panel
above the grid area. Each burner is controlled by either a "Hi-Lo" Valve (IR2), or a "Hi-Med-Lo" Valve
(GHIR44) and an orifice (Fig. 21).
Main Burner Valve Adjustment
The "high" position is fixed and cannot be adjusted. The "low" position may be adjusted to obtain the
minimum stable flame. In order to adjust the "low" setting, turn the knob to "low," remove the knob and
rotate the adjusting screw (located in the center shaft of the valve) clockwise to decrease and
counterclockwise to increase burner flame (see Fig. 20).
Air Adjustment
Although air adjustment is made at the factory before the broiler is shipped, it may be necessary to
readjust after installation is made. All of the air required for combustion is supplied by the blower
through an air duct on the left side. A single air adjustment is provided at the air intake to the blower
(GHIR44) or behind each "right" burner valve (IR2). No other adjustment is provided or necessary
(Figs. 20 and 21.)
Burners or infrared generators should burn with uniform radiant heat and without any flame curling
around the sides of the burner. If flame curls around the burner, the air supply needs to be increased;
if burner radiates with a bright orange glow with darkened areas throughout, the air supply should be
(Model GHIR44 Only) — Insufficient air may keep the pressure switch opened and the solenoid valve
will not open to supply gas to the broiler. Increase the air supply to obtain proper operation.
Fig. 21
Carbon Accumulation — Burner Screen (Infrared Broilers Only)
If the burner screens take on a black sooty accumulation, the burners are not receiving enough air.
Increase the air supply at the blower inlet. The carbon will burn off as soon as the proper adjustment
is made.