
VXI Technology, Inc.
48 SVM2608 Programming
The aforementioned errors are reported for the following reasons:
NO_ERROR There are no errors in the queue.
ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND An unknown command was sent to the
ERROR_PRE_GT_SIZE The value programmed in the Pre-Trigger
Points register is greater than the value
programmed in the Sample Points
ERROR_RESISTANCE_OVER_RANGE The user attempted to measure a
resistance greater than the range.
ERROR_UNSTABLE_RESISTANCE In Auto-Range Resistance mode, the
resistance is not stable.
ERROR_UNSTABLE_VOLTAGE In Auto-Range Voltage mode, the voltage
is not stable.
ERROR_MULTIPLE_TEST_SOURCES The user attempted to connect several
sources on the Test Bus.
ERROR_NONVOL_READ There was an error when trying to read
the non-volatile calibration memory.
ERROR_NONVOL_WRITE There was an error when trying to write
to the non-volatile calibration memory.
ERROR_NONVOL_DEFAULTED There was an error when trying to read
the default values from the non-volatile
calibration memory.
ERROR_FLASH_BURN Error trying to burn data in the FLASH (a
common error here would occur when
loading the firmware for U1 and issuing
the write flash commands for U20, or
vice versa).
ERROR_INTERNAL_SOFTWARE The microprocessor encountered an
internal software error.
ERROR_QUEUE_OVFL There were more then five errors in the
ERROR queue.