8. Excessive water in brine tank. A. Plugged drain line flow control. A. Clean flow control.
B. Plugged injector system. B. Clean injector and screen.
C. Foreign material in brine valve. C.. Replace timer.
D. Defectie controller. D. Replace controller.
E. Foreign material in brine E. Clean brine line flow control.
line flow control.
9. Softener fails to draw brine. A. Drain line flow control is plugged. A. Clean drain line flow control
B. Injector is plugged. B. Clean injector.
C. Injector screen plugged. C. Clean screen.
D. Line pressure is too low. D. Increase line pressure to 20 P.S.I.
E. Internal control leak. E. Change seals, spacers, and
piston assembly.
10. Control cycles continuously. A. Broken or shorted switch, A. Determine if switch or timer
is faulty and replace it, or replace
complete power head.
11. Drain flows continuously. A. Piston is not positioned A. Check timer program and positioning
correctly when in service. of control. Replace power head
assembly if not positioning properly.
B. Foreign material in control. B. Remove power head assembly
and inspect bore. Remove foreign
material and check control in
various regeneration positions.
C. Internal control leak C. Replace seals and piston assembly.
12. Brine tank fills during brine step. A. Clogged drain. A. Replace drain line.
B. Internal piston seal leaks. B. Replace seals in piston assembly.
System Troubleshooting (continued)
(next page)