Connect filled liquid propane cylinder
ƽ WARNING: Make sure that the cylinder valve is
closed. Close by turning clockwise.
Remove plastic dust cover from the fuel cylinder valve.
Screw the regulator coupling onto the tank valve(1),
clockwise, or to the right. Hand tighten only.
Note: This is a new type of connection. It tightens
clockwise and will not allow gas to flow unless the
connection is tight. The connection requires tightening
by hand only.
ƽ WARNING: Do not use a wrench to tighten the
connection. Using a wrench could damage the
regulator coupling and could cause a gas leak.
Regulator vent hole should be at 3, 6, or 9 o’clock. It
should not be pointed up.(2)
Hang filled liquid propane cylinder on fuel gauge
Loosen the tank lock wing nut. Swing the cylinder lock
up. Tighten the wing nut so that the cylinder lock is up
and to the side. Hook the liquid propane cylinder onto
the fuel gauge. Loosen the tank lock wing nut. Swing
the tank lock down. Tighten the wing nut.