Part Number 550-110-711/1108
CGi-4E Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
Please read before proceeding
Failure to adhere to the guidelines on this page can result in severe personal injury, death
or substantial property damage.
• Continualfreshmakeupwaterwillreduce
boiler life. Mineral buildup in sections re-
duces heat transfer, overheats cast iron, and
causes section failure. Addition of oxygen
and other gases can cause internal corrosion.
Leaks in boiler or piping must be repaired
at once to prevent makeup water.
• Donotaddcoldwatertohotboiler.Thermal
shock can cause sections to crack.
Glycol — potential fire hazard —
All glycol is flammable when exposed to high
temperatures. If glycol is allowed to accumulate
in or around the boiler or any other potential
ignition source, a fire can develop. In order to
prevent potential severe personal injury, death
or substantial property damage from fire and/or
structural damage:
• Neverstoreglycolofanykindneartheboiler
or any potential ignition source.
• Monitorandinspectthesystemandboiler
regularly for leakage. Repair any leaks im-
mediately to prevent possible accumulation
of glycol.
• Neveruseautomotiveantifreezeorethylene
glycol in the system. Using these glycols can
lead to hazardous leakage of glycol in the
boiler system.
When servicing boiler —
• Toavoidelectricshock,disconnectelectricalsupply
before performing maintenance.
• Toavoidsevereburns,allow boiler to coolbefore
performing maintenance.
Boiler operation —
• Donotblockowofcombustionorventilationairto
• Shouldoverheatingoccurorgassupplyfailtoshut
off, do not turn off or disconnect electrical supply to
circulator. Instead, shut off the gas supply at a location
external to the appliance.
• Donotusethis boiler ifanypart hasbeenunder
water. Immediately call a qualified service technician
to inspect the boiler and to replace any part of the
control system and any gas control that has been under
Boiler water —
• Donot use petroleum-based cleaningorsealing
compounds in boiler system. Water seal deterioration
will occur, causing leakage between sections. This can
result in substantial property damage.
• Donot use“homemade cures” or“boiler patent
or property may result.
Read all instructions before in-
. Follow all instructions in
proper order to prevent personal
injury or death.
• Considerpiping and installation when determining
boiler location.
• Anyclaims for damage or shortage in shipment
must be filed immediately against the transportation
company by the consignee.
• This manual is for use only by your qualied
heating installer/service technician.
• PleaserefertotheUser’s Information Manual for
your reference.
• We recommendregularservice by a qualied
service technician, at least annually
When calling or writing about the boiler— Please have the boiler model number from the
the space provided on the Installation and service certicate found on page 37.
The boiler contains ceramic fiber and fiberglass materials. Use care when handling these
materials per instructions on page 68 of this manual. Failure to comply could result in severe
personal injury.