Part number 550-110-282/1108
CGs-4E Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
Check-out procedure — checklist8
❏ Boilerandheatdistributionunitslledwithwater?
❏ Automaticairvent,ifused,openonefullturn?
❏ Airpurgedfromsystem?
❏ Airpurgedfromgaspiping?Pipingcheckedforleaks?
❏ Correctlysizedmanifoldoricesinstalled?Refertomanual
2a to check size and fuel type.
Failure to do so will cause severe personal in-
jury, death or substantial property damage.
❏ Followed operating instructions on boiler or in manual
9 for proper start-up?
❏ Verifythattheboilerswitchestohighreafter60seconds
of main flame operation.
❏ Proper burner flame observed at high fire? Refer to
burner flame
❏ Test limit control — While burners are operating, move
indicator on limit control below actual boiler water tem-
to operate. Raise setting on limit control above boiler water
temperature and burners should reignite.
❏ Test additional field-installed controls — If boiler has a low
water cutoff, additional high limit or other controls, test for
operating and should go off when controls are tested. When
controls are restored, burners should reignite.
❏ Test ignition system safety device:
a. Connectmanometertooutletsideofgasvalve.
b. Startboiler,allowingfornormalstart-upcycletooc-
cur and main burners to ignite.
c. With main burners on, manually shut off gas supply at
d. Openmanualmainshutoffgasvalve.Manometer
should confirm there is no gas flow.
e. Pilot will relight, flame sensing element will sense pilot
flame and main burners will reignite.
❏ Setlimitcontrol(s)tosystemtemperaturerequirements.
temperature to system.
❏ For multiple zones, adjust flow so it is about the same in
each zone.
❏ Verifythermostatheatanticipator(ifavailable)setproperly?
Refer to
Field wiring,manualSection6, Thermostat(s).
❏ Cycleboilerwiththermostat—Raisetohighestsettingand
verify boiler goes through normal start-up cycle. Lower to
lowest setting and verify boiler goes off.
❏ Measurenaturalgasinput:
a. Operate boiler 10 minutes.
b. Turn off other appliances.
c. Atnaturalgasmeter,measuretime(inseconds)re-
quired to use one cubic foot of gas.
d. Calculategasinput:
e. Btuhcalculatedshouldapproximateinputratingon
boiler rating label.
❏ Checkmanifoldgaspressurebyconnectingmanometerto
sure for natural gas should be 3.5" w.c. and for propane gas
should be 10" w.c.
❏ Observe several operating cycles for proper operation.
❏ Setroomthermostattodesiredroomtemperature.
❏ Fill in Installation and service certificate below?
❏ Review all instructions shipped with this boiler with owner
or maintenance person. Return instructions to envelope
and give to owner or place in pocket inside front panel in
Installation and service certificate
(company) (address) (phone)
❏ Installation instructions have been followed.
❏ Checkoutsequencehasbeenperformed.
❏ Aboveinformationiscertiedtobecorrect.
❏ Information received and left with owner/maintenance person