Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
NOTES: 1) Adjust offset before gain, since offset affects gain. 2) A value of 128 represents no
change in normal odd pixel offset or gain. 3) Odd Pixel Adjustment eliminates “one pixel on, one
pixel off” artifact only, not any type of larger artifacts.
No function.
Peak Detector
accuracy of input levels set by the Auto Input Level function. Enabling the “Peak Detector”
activates a special operating mode for detecting only pixels that are considered black or white
— all other levels are displayed as a mid-level gray. When used with a 16-step grayscale pattern
in which the two black and white bands are known to be at opposite edges of the image, you
can watch these isolated areas while adjusting individual black levels and white levels until both
bands are just visible. Images from this source will then display correct blacks and whites without
crushing or washing out.
NOTE: If using Peak Detector with PIP, both images must have the same color space.
Level Detector
thatfallbelowaspeciedLevel Value (see below) are displayed as black, and all others are
displayed as white. It aids in Odd Pixel Adjustment. To use:
Enable “Level Detector” and display a continuous grayscale.1.
Set “Level Value” to near black (such as 200).2.
Adjust Offsets to minimize area of black stripe.3.
Set “Level Value” to near white (such as 800).4.
Adjust Gains to minimize area of white stripe.5.
Level Value
Level ValuedenesthevaluetobeusedbytheLevelDetectorinrecognizingblacksandwhites.
See Level Detector, above.
Figure 3.11. Using “Odd Pixel Adjustment”