IDLE MODE: The default value is 4 watts. This means it takes a 4-watt AC load
to turn the inverter on from its low power idle mode. Setting a value of 0 watts means the
inverter is always on. The low power idle current is about 0.25 amps. When idle mode is
set to 0 W the current consumption goes up to about 0.9 amps. Range = 0 W, 4 W, 6 W,
15 W. (0–15 watts in 5-watt steps in Series 458 units.)
SETUP EXAMPLE: To set the IDLE MODE to 0 watts, first select the INVERT
on, then press the SETUP BUTTON until the Green LED begins to flash. Now, press and
hold the IDLE MODE BUTTON. The present value will appear. The display will scroll
after three seconds. Hold the button down until 0 appears. Release the button. The new value
will remain in the display for about five seconds. When the display reverts to the normal
monitoring function the new value is stored in nonvolatile memory. To see if the new value
has been successfully stored, repeat the setup procedure but do not scroll to a new value.
PWR SHARE: The default value is 30 amps (or OFF for Freedom 25). The
power sharing feature automatically reduces the charger output, and therefore the AC
power consumption, if the load passing through the inverter's automatic transfer switch
exceeds the setup value. This load management feature helps prevent AC supply breakers
from tripping when boats or RVs are plugged into AC power and the charger, water
heater, and perhaps other loads all come on at once. In "Off Grid" applications the
auxiliary generator often has several jobs—water pumping, running the washing machine,
or heavy power tools—in addition to supplemental battery charging. With Power Sharing,
when a heavy load turns on, it reduces charger output to help supply the heavy load. The
ranges below are for units with serial numbers greater than 100,000:
Freedom 10, 15 & 20 Range = 5, 15, 20, 30 A; Freedom 25 & 30 Range = 5, 20, 30 A, OFF;
Freedom 10E & 20E Range = 2, 5, 10, 15 A; Freedom 25E Range = 2, 10, 15 A, OFF
For Freedom serial numbers below 100,000 use this table to interpret the display.
Model F10 F10 F10E F10E F20 F20 F25 F25
<70759 >70760 <71746 >71747 <70699 >70700 <70801 >70802
Display Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps
0 303015153030OFFOFF
1 2020101020205030
2 15 15 7.5 7.5 15 15 30 20
For Series 458 units, the range is 0–50 amps, settable in 5-amp steps.
ANOTHER SETUP EXAMPLE: To set PWR SHARE to 20 amps on a F10
Model with a serial number below 100,000, first select the CHARGE on, then press the
SETUP BUTTON until the green LED begins to flash. Now, press and hold the PWR
SHARE BUTTON. The present value will appear. The display will scroll after three
seconds. Hold the button down until 1 appears (see table above). Release the button. The
new value will remain in the display for about 5 seconds. When the display reverts to the
normal monitoring function the new value is stored in nonvolatile memory.