975-0170-01-01 3–15
Selecting Yes takes you to the equalization system home screen, as shown
in Figure 3-11.
Table 3-2 provides an explanation of the content on the equalization
system home screen.
Figure 3-11
Equalization System Home Screen
Table 3-2
Equalization Home Screen Content
Equalization Home
Screen content Explanation of items displayed
Precharging • “Yes”—precharging occurs if batteries are not
fully charged before equalization. Batteries must
be fully charged before equalization.
• “Done”—indicates the precharge is complete or if
it was not required.
Time Remaining Indicates the time left for equalization. Equalization
runs for 60 minutes and is counted down in 1 minute
increments until the Time Remaining displays 0 min.
(During a precharge, the Time Remaining displays
“n/a”— not applicable.)
Battery Voltage Displays a range of 13.0 to 18.0V with a resolution of
Menu Pressing Menu returns you to Select Device screen.
Cancel Pressing Cancel will display a confirmation screen, as
shown in Figure 3-12, asking you to confirm that you
want to cancel equalization.