3 General Operation
In normal operating mode the Xantrex Battery Monitor can display
the six most important parameters of your DC system. To select the
desired parameter, use the < and > selection keys.
Battery voltage (V). This readout is useful to
roughly estimate the battery’s state-of-
charge. A 12 V battery is considered empty
when it cannot maintain a voltage of 10.5 V
under load conditions.
Current (A) represents the actual current flowing in or
out of the battery. A discharge current is indicated as a
negative value (current flowing out of the battery). If,
for example, a DC to AC inverter draws 5 amps from
the battery, it will be displayed as –5.0 A.
Consumed amp hours (Ah) displays the amount of
amp hours consumed from the battery. A fully
charged battery sets this readout to 0.0 Ah
(synchronized system). When a current of 12 amps is
drawn from the battery for three hours, this readout
shows –36.0 Ah.
State-of-charge (%). This is the best way to monitor
the actual state of the battery. This readout represents
the current amount of energy left in the battery. A
fully charged battery sets this readout to 100.0% while
a fully discharged battery is represented as 0.0%.
Time-to-go (h:m) is an estimation of how long the
battery can support the present load before it needs
recharging. This time will be represented in hours
(above 100h) or in hh.mm format (under 100h). A
time-to-go of 15 hours and 45 minutes will be
represented as 15:45 h:m and a time-to-go of 120
hours will be represented as 120 h. When the battery
is being charged the display will show ----h, which
means that no time-to-go can be calculated.