5 of 20 Revision Nov 2008
Weight (gsm)
Other Size
Weight of the
paper in grams
per square meter
iGen3 Digital Production Press Custom Media List - Europe - April 2010
The Xerox CUSTOM Media List
contains custom media that has been tested on the Xerox iGen3 100/110 Digital Production Press for image quality and performance.
Custom media on this list are digitally optimized, designed and manufactured for performance in Xerox digital printing equipment.
Best Practices for Operation are outlined below.
Customers should validate the Best Practices for Operation are acceptable for their application.
*Any alterations to the product's basic design, including sheet size, must be tested and approved by the Xerox Media & Compatibles Technology Center.*
When purchasing a particular media product for the first time, customers are advised to purchase small quantities to insure that expectations are met.
CUSTOM media may be ordered through the Xerox Supply Account Manager.
Stock Library Name (Full Media Name)
It is imperative to utilize the bolded, abbreviated stock name for easy
migration to future enhancements to the stock library and media
management tools.
Base Size Tested
Best Practices for Operation
A4 A3 short grain SRA3 FinishType CleanupCoating Type Sides Coated Sequence Color
007R96650 iGen3
Max Size
iGen3 Xtra LargeSize
350 350
Coated One
Gloss Plain White 455 No Smooth
Simplex only recommended
EIP mode may enhance image permanence on this media.
TAB may need to be cleaned prior to running media.
Feed from a lower tray only.
To enable running toggle NVM 12509 (Lower Tray Multifeed Detected FLTByp).
Output to top tray or bypass tray, if enabled.
Optimization of decurler settings may be needed for best stacking and runnability.
Some skew may be seen.
(Xerox Packaging Board EnsoCoat 350 gsm C1S)