● Assigning parameters to the unit’s control knobs
Parameters that are controlled by the unit’s control
knobs during normal operation are assigned to the
control knobs in the upper portion of the parameter
page display (shown on the right: the page before
01/??). Select the parameter for the knob by rotat-
ing the knob.
* For more information on individual parameters, refer to
the separate “Effect List” sheet.
● Changing the Effect Type
Pressing the ON/OFF switch when the Deep Edit icon is displayed accesses the Effect Type
Select display shown below.
Use the +/– switches to select the effect type.
* When the effect type is changed, any data that has been edited will be cleared and default values for the
new effect type will be set.
* For more information on individual parameters, refer to the separate “Effect List” sheet.
After selecting the effect type, press the [STORE/EXIT] button to return to the display for set-
ting parameters and assigning parameters to the unit’s control knobs.
t When you are finished editing, save your data in the MAGICSTOMP at this point.
At this point, pressing the [STORE/EXIT] button is the same as pressing the [STORE/EXIT] button
in procedure q of the Store Operation (→ Owner’s Manual : page 16). From here you can follow the
remaining steps in the Store Operation.
* To return the data to its original condition, cancel the Store Operation at this point then select another patch.
Parameter Name
23rd effect type out of a
total of 63 effect types
Effect Type
r Rotate the knobs to edit their corresponding parameters.
After viewing the parameters you want to edit, use the knobs located below the display to edit the
parameters. If the knob’s position does not match the parameter’s value, you’ll need to rotate the
knob until it matches the position that corresponds to the parameter value before you can change
the setting (→ Owner’s Manual : page 14).
Parameter value