● Keep hands, hair, and clothes away from
the flywheel and other rotating parts
while the engine is running.
7. Run the engine at a fast idle for 10–15
minutes in neutral position.
8. Just prior to turning off the engine, quickly
spray “Yamaha Stor-Rite Engine Fogging
Oil” (Part No. LUB-STRRT-12-00) alter-
nately into each carburetor or the fogging
hole of the silencer cover, if equipped.
When properly done, the engine will
smoke excessively and almost stall.
9. Remove the outboard motor from the test
10. Install the silencer cover/cap and top
Lubrication (except oil injection
1. Grease the spark plug threads and install
the spark plug(s) and torque to proper
specification. For information on spark
plug installation, see page 55.
2. Change the gear oil. For instructions, see
page 61. Inspect the oil for the presence
of water that indicates a leaky seal. Seal
replacement should be performed by an
authorized Yamaha dealer prior to use.
3. Grease all grease fittings. For further de-
tails, see page 54.
Cleaning and anticorrosion measures
1. Wash down the exterior of the outboard
motor with fresh water and dry off com-
2. Spray the outboard motor exterior with
“Yamaha Silicone Protectant” (Part No.
If equipped Electronic Fuel Injection: Do
not spray when the engine is running. Al-
so, do not spray near the silencer and ox-
ygen sensor cover or into the engine.
Otherwise the oxygen sensor for Electron-
ic Fuel Injection system could be dam-
3. Wax the cowling with a non-abrasive wax
such as “Yamaha Silicone Wax” (Part No.
Battery care
Battery electrolytic fluid is dangerous; it
contains sulfuric acid and therefore is poi-
sonous and highly caustic.
Always follow these preventive measures:
● Avoid bodily contact with electrolytic
fluid as it can cause severe burns or per-
manent eye injury.
● Wear protective eye gear when handling
or working near batteries.
Antidote (EXTERNAL):
● SKIN - Flush with water.
● EYES - Flush with water for 15 minutes
and get immediate medical attention.
Antidote (INTERNAL):
● Drink large quantities of water or milk
followed by milk of magnesia, beaten
egg, or vegetable oil. Get immediate
medical attention.
Batteries also generate explosive hydro-
gen gas; therefore, you should always fol-
low these preventive measures:
● Charge batteries in a well-ventilated ar-
U60R10E0.book Page 49 Monday, June 21, 2004 9:34 AM