Assignable Controller1 Control Change Number (AC1 CC No.)
Graphically indicates Control Change Number setting.
Range: 0 — 95
This determines which Control Change number will be used for As-
signable Controller 1 in the Performance. Assignable Controller 1
can be used to affect the Filter (page 43), the Amplitude or the Vari-
ation effect (page 90).
Though this parameter allows you to assign any control change number from 0 to 95, only a
few of these are in common use. The controllers most likely to be encountered include:
01 — Modulation wheel or lever
02 — Breath controller
04 — Foot controller
07 — Volume controller
Some or all of these may be available on your MIDI instrument, and can be used to control
certain functions on the MU50 in real time. Some MIDI instruments allow you to change the
control change number for a particular controller: for example, setting the modulation wheel
(normally 01) to control Volume (07). Refer to the owner’s manual of your particular instru-
ment for more information.