2. Always keep the battery in a good state
of charge. Installing a voltmeter will help
you monitor your battery. If you will not
use the boat for a month or more, re-
move the battery from the boat and store
it in a cool, dark place. Completely re-
charge the battery before using it.
3. If the battery will be stored for longer
than a month, check the specific gravity
of the fluid at least once a month and re-
charge the battery when it is low.
Consult a Yamaha dealer when charging or
re-charging batteries.
Connecting the battery
Mount the battery holder securely in a
dry, well-ventilated, vibration-free loca-
tion in the boat. Install a fully charged bat-
tery in the holder.
Make sure the main switch (on applica-
ble models) is “” (off) before work-
ing on the battery.
Reversal of the battery cables will dam-
age the electrical parts.
Connect the red battery cable first
when installing the battery and discon-
nect the black battery cable first when
removing it. Otherwise, the electrical
parts can be damaged.
The electrical contacts of the battery
and cables must be clean and properly
connected, or the battery will not start
the engine.
Connect the RED cable to the POSITIVE (+)
terminal first. Then connect the BLACK ca-
ble to the NEGATIVE (-) terminal.
Using a single battery
Connect both red cables to the (+) terminal.
Do not leave cable unconnected. If it acci-
dentally contacts the NEGATIVE (-) termi-
nal of the battery, there will be a short
circuit. Electric system damage and a fire
could result.
Using an accessory battery
Use a connecting cable between the (-) ter-
minals of the starting battery and accessory
battery. See the illustrations of the wiring
connections. This cable must be made from
1. Large red lead for starting battery
2. Small red lead for accessory battery charg-
ing (optional part)
3. Large black lead
4. Battery