X Clamp the wire harness, left and right handlebar
switch leads and main switch lead. Align the tapping
positions of three leads except the wire harness.
Point the tip of the clamp to the front side of the ve-
Y Sealing set of the cover can be either upper or lower
against the frame lower end. However, it should not
be caught.
Z Clamp the wire harness, main switch lead branch
section and radiator fan motor lead.
AA Branching leads to the fuse box and radiator fan
motor relay shall pass through the guide section
of the cover 2 under the wire harness and then to
the outside of the frame.
P To the coolant reservoir tank
Q To the intake air temperature sensor (air filter case)
R To the oil level switch, sidestand switch and A.C.
S Install the wire harness wrapping clamp to the stay
of the throttle body.
T Pass the wire harness over the throttle air vent
U Pass the wire harness between frame and coolant
V Pass it through the frame hole.
W Do not catch the coupler when the air filter case is