t is important that adequate ventilation exists and the
lue or chimney system that is to be used is in good
working condition. Products of combustion that enter the
room could be a serious health risk. Before installation of
this product we recommend that the flue or chimney
system and ventilation requirements are inspected by a
competent person, and passed as suitable for use with the
appliance to be fitted. In particular the following should
e checked: -
1. Flue or Chimney
1.1 The construction of the flue or chimney system should
meet the requirements of the Building Regulations with
sizes as shown: -
1.2 An approved, factory made system suitable for solid fuel
use, complying with B
S 4543: P
art 2, may be used when
installed to the requirements of BS 7566: Parts 1 to 4, the
manufacturer’s instructions and the requirements of
Building Regulations.
1.3 New masonry chimney systems built with clay or concrete
liners or pre-fabricated block systems should be
constructed in accordance with BS 6461 : Part 1, and the
requirements of Building Regulations, may be used.
1.4 A flexible flue liner system may be used, if it is
independently certified for use with solid fuel systems,
and is installed according to the manufacturer’s
instructions and the requirements of Building
Regulations. If an appliance is being replaced on an
xisting flexible flue liner system, the liner system should
be replaced, unless it can be proved to be recently
installed and can be seen to be in good condition.
.5 The flue exit from the building should be positioned to
omply with the requirements of the Building
.6 Any existing flue should be confirmed as suitable for the
ew intended use, as defined in the Building Regulations.
1.7 Any existing flue or chimney system must be inspected
and swept by a NACS registered (GB only) chimney
sweep, to confirm that the system is structurally sound
and free from any obstructions.
1.8 Suitable access should be provided to enable the
collection and removal of debris.
1.9 Provision should be made to sweep and inspect the flue
when the appliance is installed.
1.10 No other heating appliances should be connected to, or
share, the same flue or chimney system.
1.11 Check the flue draught. This should be done with all
windows and doors closed and any e
xtraction fans in this
or adjoining rooms running at maximum speed (see ne
section for additional ventilation requirements).
Note: A guide containing general information on
chimneys and flues is obtainable from: -
The British Flue & Chimney Manufacturers’
Association, FETA
2 W
altham Court, Milley Lane
Hare Hatch, Reading
Bucks RG10 9TH
Tel : - 01189 403416 e-mail :- info@feta.co.uk
Elegance 200
Elegance 210
Elegance 220
Elegance 240
Elegance 250
Elegance 270
Elegance 280
Flue/Chimney Size
Without liner system
Round (diameter)
150 150 150 150 150 150 150
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Without liner
system Square
(minimum dimension).
135 135 135 135 135 135 135
5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
With liner or factory
made system (diameter).
Installed in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions
150 150 150 150 150 150 150
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
minimum height*
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
* When measured from the top of the stove to the top of the flue,
with no horizontal sections and a maximum of four bends with an angle of less than 45°