Wiring diagramWiring diagram
Wiring diagramWiring diagram
Wiring diagram
Permanent ConnectionPermanent Connection
Permanent ConnectionPermanent Connection
Permanent Connection
In the case of a permanent connection, it is necessary that you install a
double pole switch between the hob and the electricity supply (mains),
with a minimum gap of 3 mm between the switch contacts and of a type
suitable for the required load in compliance with the current electric
The switch must not break the yellow and green earth cable at any point.
Ensure that the hob supply cord does not come into contactEnsure that the hob supply cord does not come into contact
Ensure that the hob supply cord does not come into contactEnsure that the hob supply cord does not come into contact
Ensure that the hob supply cord does not come into contact
with surfaces with temperatures higher than 50 deg. C.with surfaces with temperatures higher than 50 deg. C.
with surfaces with temperatures higher than 50 deg. C.with surfaces with temperatures higher than 50 deg. C.
with surfaces with temperatures higher than 50 deg. C.
3) Connect the brown (live) wire to the terminal in the plug which
is marked with the letter 'L' or coloured red.
Upon completion there must be no cut, or stray strands of wire present
and the cord clamp must be secure over the outer sheath.
A cut off plug inserted into a 13 amp socket is a seriousA cut off plug inserted into a 13 amp socket is a serious
A cut off plug inserted into a 13 amp socket is a seriousA cut off plug inserted into a 13 amp socket is a serious
A cut off plug inserted into a 13 amp socket is a serious
safety (shock) hazard. Ensure that the cut off plug is disposedsafety (shock) hazard. Ensure that the cut off plug is disposed
safety (shock) hazard. Ensure that the cut off plug is disposedsafety (shock) hazard. Ensure that the cut off plug is disposed
safety (shock) hazard. Ensure that the cut off plug is disposed
of safelyof safely
of safelyof safely
of safely
The replacement of electric cable must be carried out ex-The replacement of electric cable must be carried out ex-
The replacement of electric cable must be carried out ex-The replacement of electric cable must be carried out ex-
The replacement of electric cable must be carried out ex-
clusively by the service force centre or by personnel withclusively by the service force centre or by personnel with
clusively by the service force centre or by personnel withclusively by the service force centre or by personnel with
clusively by the service force centre or by personnel with
similar competencies, in accordance with the current regu-similar competencies, in accordance with the current regu-
similar competencies, in accordance with the current regu-similar competencies, in accordance with the current regu-
similar competencies, in accordance with the current regu-