22 QL 320 User’s Guide
the serial number of the printer; however, this method is not rec-
ommended. The terminal can only capture the desired printer us-
ing this type of link.
The terminal must be programmed to guide the user through
scanning the printer serial number bar-code, then execute an al-
gorithm which converts the serial number into an address. Zebra
can provide C source code to licensed OEM customers that han-
dles the conversion from serial number to address.
Linking From the Printer to the Terminal
When no scanner is available, and/or no additional software is
to be written for the terminal, then the linking operation can be ini-
tiated solely by the printer.
In this procedure the printer broadcasts a message seeking an
available terminal. If a terminal “hears” the broadcast and is avail-
able, it will respond by linking to the printer.
To insure a secure link, the user must perform the link operation
far enough away from other operating terminals so that the printer
does not inadvertently capture some other user’s terminal. Any
other terminal that hears the broadcast message from the printer
may try to link to it, therefore you should insure that only one ter-
minal is within broadcast range Feedback is available from the
printer as to the outcome of the link operation.