4 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
If the Zebra Stripe Printer operates in an abnormal fashion, consult the Troubleshooting
Table below. The Printer Diagnostics following the Troubleshooting Table may also
help you to determine the problem.
The troubleshooting of some problems may be beyond the abilities of the operator. In
these cases, call a service technician to perform additional troubleshooting and repair
Note: A two-volume maintenance manual is available from Zebra Technologies Corporation
for use by the service technician.
Volume 1: General Maintenance
(part # 44868L),
ume 2: Circuit Descriptions and Electrical Schematics
(part # 44869L), or you may order
both volumes under part # 44452L.
Troubleshooting Table
Troubleshooting Table
Symptom Diagnosis Action
No lights ever turn ON. No AC Power applied to the
Insure the AC Power Cable is
connected to a working voltage
Faulty AC Power Fuse. Refer to Chapter 3 for fuse
replacement procedures.
No voltage available from the
internal Power Supply.
Call a service technician.
Printer locks up when running
Power On Self Test.
An improper configuration
was set.
Reload factory defaults. Then,
set correct parameters. See
Chapter 1.
POWER light ON, other lights
all OFF or all ON and the
printer locks up.
ROM CRC Test has failed. Call a service technician.
Calibrate light is OFF but all
other lights are ON.
Dynamic RAM failed. Call a service technician.
Calibrate light and Position
light OFF but all other lights
FONT ROM Error. Call a service technician.
Printer stops, PAUSE light and
PAPER/RIBBON light both ON.
Media incorrectly or not
Load media correctly. See
Chapter 1.
Misadjusted Media Sensor. Check Position and Sensitivity of
Media Sensor. See Chapter 1.