ES-2108 Series User’s Guide
270 Index
MSA (MultiSource Agreement) 45
MTU (Multi-Tenant Unit) 73
multicast 125
multicast group 128
multicast settings 127
multicast VLAN 133
802.1 priority 127
addresses 125
setup 126
MVR 130
configuration 131
configuration example 135
group configuration 133
how it works 131
modes 130
network example 130
ports 130
MVR (Multicast VLAN Registration) 130
navigation 52
navigation panel 51
Network Management System (NMS) 150
NTP (RFC-1305) 73
overview 31
password 54
changing 54
password, cluster member 174
PHB (Per-Hop Behavior) 139
ping 163
port authentication 33, 115
IEEE802.1x 117
RADIUS server 117
port cloning 179
advanced settings 179
basic settings 179
port details 63
port isolation 88, 91
port mirroring 32, 109, 205
and commands 231
port redundancy 111
port security 33, 119
limit MAC address learning 120
port setup 78
port speed/duplex 80
port status 61
port VID
default for all ports 205
port VLAN trunking 83
port-based VLAN 74, 89
all connected 91
port isolation 91
setting wizard 91
“standby” 111
and MVR 130
details 44
power connector 47
priority 75
priority level 75
priority queue assignment 75
product registration 8
product specification 255
PVID 81, 88
PVID (Priority Frame) 81
queue weight 124
queuing 32, 123
queuing algorithm 123, 124
queuing method 123, 124
rack-mounting 40
advantages 115
network example 115
server 115
settings 117
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service)
RADIUS server
setup 117
Rapid STP, See STP 33